Why You Need To Follow Your Travel Dreams.

I came home from backpacking through Europe and quickly realized traveling was the only thing I really wanted to do at this time in my life. But I found myself back in the 40 hr/ week working grind. I don’t regret it, mostly because paying rent and being stationary made me realize what I really wanted to be doing. I tried to become a digital nomad, I tried to believe I wanted to settle in the states for a bit, work on a cruise ship, go back to school. The fact of the matter is I don’t! Sorry, not sorry ! I’ve gotten the taste for the good life. And that, for me, isn’t a great apartment in a wonderful city… my happy place is the perfect capsule wardrobe worn in an unfamiliar city, stuffed into one  40 L backpack.  Dana the Explorer here telling you that you too, can travel the world.  Believe me,the problem I’ve been facing is that traveling Europe was easier than I expected. I’m not saying it wasn’t challenging. I can’t say I didn’t cry on public transportation in at least three countries. But I can tell you that I did it, and the fact that I lived to tell the tales has been a driving factor for the next chapter in my life and why it is that I’m embarking on this next trip.

So here goes, here are five reasons why you need to buck up and buy that ticket you’ve been contemplating about buying.

  1. It doesn’t take a million dollars to see million dollar views.
    Probably one of the biggest reasons I love traveling is because I cannot get enough of the incredible vistas I’ve seen.  Hey, maybe you don’t own a Chalet in Swiss Alps… But I bet you could pay for a train ride in and a couple nights in a shared dorm room hostel. The views you will see in your time will be just as magnificent from 15 dollar a night hostel than they would be from an expensive hotel. Splurge for once in a life time moments… save when you can.
  2. Yes, money talks… but not always the loudest.
    You should absolutely, 100%, save as much money for your trip as you possibly can. But that’s not to say you should scrap the whole idea if you haven’t saved as much as you thought you should have.  I backpacked around Europe solo for three months with less than $5,000. I could have been WAY, WAY,( one more time for the cheap seats in the back) WAY, more frugal than I was. I could have found a Workaway and worked for room and board to spread my time out, found a house sitting gig, opted out of the all the pub crawls. I’m currently planning a trip to Oceania/ SouthEast Asia/  everywhere and I have 2,000 to my name. No travel insurance, no plane ticket.(disclaimer: this probably isn’t my smartest idea but I’m following my heart on this one) But I’ve come to the realization that I can challenge myself more and stretch my budget. It’s possible to see the amazing places the world has to offer with you having a disposable income. This blog will be your evidence.
  3. Shock and Awe- Real Life Experience comes in many forms.

I’ve been working on somewhat of an internal struggle. Concerning whether or not I’m on the right path, doing the correct things that will get me to where I want to be in life.  Traveling the world has been the only thing that makes me feel like I am I know my well meaning relatives are concerned that I’m not paying enough attention to my career, and life path etc. But, honestly, find me an employer not interested in a candidate who could turn over their resume and list every foreign country they’ve been to. Real life experience is impressive, no matter how you slice it.  The person reading your resume probably wishes they took the time to do the things that they wanted to when they had the chance. Not everyone’s white whale is seeing the world. But if yours is, it will never go away and I’m telling you, you need to at least try.

4) Maybe the love of your live is currently living 3,000 miles away.

Who knows? I’ve never fallen head over heels in love while I’m on the road. I have, however met people that I plan on keeping in my life forever. I never would have found them if I hadn’t left my comfort zone. The people I’m thinking about while writing this are the ones who I’ve reconnected with on different continents, several different countries, and stay connected with daily thanks to WhatsApp. If you’re willing to open your heart to those who you meet on the road, I guarantee you’ll fall in like, love, lust with incredible people along the way. Many aren’t worth keeping in touch with but most are. I can honestly say that the friends I have met while traveling are ones I plan to keep with me for many years to come. Thanks to technology, it doesn’t matter if our GPS coordinates are close to each other or not.

5) Regret is a bitch.

A personal driving factor for me is that I want to live a life I’m proud to tell my young nieces, and possible future children and grand children about. “YOU DID WHAT?!?”-  They’ll say. Maybe you don’t feel the same way but I know that If I can’t get something out of my head ,I at least need to try. So if you can’t stop thinking about quitting your desk job to travel the world – DO IT, buy the ticket. You’ll never regret an incredible vacation but you will always regret taking that soul sucking promotion. I say if I fail, if I can’t hack it, if can’t afford it anymore.. at least I tried. And along with that comes an incredible amount of life experience, stories and something to be proud of in and of itself.

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