10 Things Not to Forget Before Your Long Term Adventure

There’s more to traveling long term than just packing a bag! Don’t Forget the details. Here are 10 things you can’t forget.

  1. It should go with out saying BUT you better have your passport and any visas you may need.
  2. All the proper chargers for your electronics. How bad would it suck to lug your kindle or laptop around without anyway to charge it?
  3. Saline Solution and Glasses … This doesn’t go for everyone but it definitely is a big concern of mine while traveling. I have terrible eyesight and it would be a HUGE problem if I forgot one or the other. I can’t always expect that there will be a place to buy contact solution so I always make sure I have a good amount when I leave.
  4. Depending on how long you’re thinking about traveling for… be sure to check in with your doctor, dentist, eye doctor, counselor ( or whoever else ). It’s better to be safe than sorry, and you cannot let your health take a backseat. God forbid something go wrong while you’re away. Make the appointments, get that cavity filled, do whatever you need to do so you’re healthy and happy on the road.
  5. On that note, ladies and gentleman, BIRTH CONTROL! This is important and should not be considered a faux pas topic. Traveling long term leads to many beautiful and wild experiences. If you’re idea of beautiful and wild doesn’t involve babies or a good dose of antibiotics then you need to consider your method of birth control before you leave. *POSSIBLE TMI ALERT* For me I chose to have an IUD in place because I’m not ready to become a mom and other forms of birth control are difficult to keep up with when I’m on the road. Condoms need to be in your arsenal regardless.
  6. Check out some cultural norms for where your headed. Even places that may seem similar to your home country will have their own idiosyncrasies. I love winging it when I get to a place but researching a bit a head of time might save you from feeling like an idiot at dinner. For instance, if your headed to the States it’s important you tip your servers and bartenders. You may not understand the reason for it, or like it at all but as they say, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
  7. Leave your flight and accommodation information with someone at home. They’ll probably never need it or look at it at all, but it can give you and your loved ones a little peace of mind by knowing your plans and where you’re staying.
  8. Consider looking into adding some extra memory to your phone/ iCloud/ computer. I have a feeling you’ll be taking a lot more pictures than you would in your everyday life. Trust me, from experience, it is not fun to get a “sorry not enough room to take a photo” message instead of capturing that beautiful once and a lifetime moment. I upgraded my iCloud memory for 99 cents a month. Even on a travelers budget, I don’t notice it missing.
  9. Do not think packing for this journey of yours the night before will cut it. Pack your bag and repack it, again and again. Seriously, be thoughtful and strategic with what you’re bringing. It’s true, you’ll be able to survive with much less than you think. My method is to start pile with everything I *think* I’m going to bring on the floor of my bedroom. Then, I try to pack it all it my backpack. That entire pile never fits into my 50L backpack. Cut it in half. Try on all the clothes you want to take and make all the outfits you possibly can with that. Hey, maybe this method doesn’t work for you! But it forces me to frequently look at all the stuff I’ll be living with for a long time. It makes me realize I can’t fit all my cute outfits in my pack. When living a minimalist life, on the go, you need to be as thoughtful as possible. That means taking your time to pack.
  10. Throw yourself a little bon voyage party. Unless you can’t stand anyone and it’s ASTA LA VISTA for you… Have one last get together with your friends, neighbors, family…whoever. It will be a nice memory for you and everyone else to draw from when you’re missing home.