Welcome to Dana The Explorer!

waterfall chaser
former bartender
aspiring replacement for Anthony Bourdain.

Hi! I’m Dana.
Massachusetts native, quenching my thirst for far off places since a 2011 trip to Europe. After graduating college I moved to Cannes, France for the summer to study french and experience La Côte D’Azur. That summer I made incredible friends…I arrived in a foreign city and left with a raging travel bug.

 It wasn’t long before I’d purchased a one way ticket to solo backpack through Europe on a months notice. In the summer of 2016, I backpacked throughout 13 countries, and felt like I was on top of the world. 

By 2017, I had taken off to Australia on a Working Holiday visa. I also spent a month in both Indonesia and New Zealand. This trip was wild and challenging for me. I narrowly escaped shipwreck, drove a motorbike off a ledge into a rice paddy, learned to scuba dive, experienced epic car trouble and came out with an underlying sense that I can handle anything that’s thrown at me.

Since then, I’ve gotten my Master’s Degree in Public Policy, moved to Texas on a whim, kept several restaurants running and started a podcast! 

Explore the next adventure with me!

Kakadu National Park. Northern Territory Australia