Discover the 3 Essential Keys to Happiness and Well-being

3 Pillars of Happiness. Unlock the secret to Health and Happiness

Losing my job has forced me into facing some difficult truths. The first is, I’ve been stagnant, burnt out and forgetful of the promises I made to myself years ago. The second truth I realized is, I am the only person who I going to get me to the places I want to be in life. Overthinking, and self-doubt has been weighing me down. It’s time to face reality and start being the person I want to be. It’s now or never. 

I’ve been actively trying to make my life better day by day. I’m finding happiness and creating a life I actually want to live. Here are some things that I do to better my life. Let me know what works for you in the comments !

Here is a list of essential steps towards happiness for the person who wants to be happier, healthier and start to unlock their own potential. 

The first thing about making your life better is understanding, you’re in it for the long haul. Once you truly understand that, small wins and little habits are going to be your new best friends for improving your view on life. 

Everyday, you’re going to be making a point to focus on these three pillars of happiness.

Body, Mind and Spirit.

Even if health goals or weight loss something you like to think or worry about, movement needs to be crucial for you. The body is the outward expression of all your thoughts and actions. Whether you like it or not, it’s important to take time every day to celebrate and move your body in some way. Get the blood flowing and blow the stink off the day, as my grand mother would say.
When I tell you it’s important to make a point to get your body moving everyday I mean it. An object in motion stays in motion. Be aware when you’re just rotting away on the couch everyday. I realized it was my pattern; just sitting, binging , wasting away and consumed by my own thoughts. I  felt like I was a failure, a boring loser. All because I was in the cycle of stagnation. I neglected to remember how important the mind body connection really is.

I’m not saying you should start training for a marathon. There’s NO need to take anything to the extreme. You can’t cheat your way to happiness. It’s not going to work. I started by taking a daily walk. If you have access to a pool, swimming some laps is also a great option. Make it a little ritual. If you like to run, run! Fan of yoga? Take a class or look up a free guided lesson on YouTube.  The trick, is to do something daily. Don’t over think it. Get up off the couch for at least 30 minutes a day. Start from there but make it mandatory for yourself.

The truth is, you’re going to have to get your mind on board first if you want to make yourself happier. It’s not new-aged hippie BS- your thoughts have an impact on the life you are leading. But there’s so much more to it.

Think about a time in your life when you felt like an absolute badass. Did you feel like you were on top of the world? Did you realize you are capable of you more than you, yourself even realized? Because you are, to be like it, you have to start thinking like it.

Your brain is a muscle. Instead of doom scrolling and potato couching, it’s time to exercise this muscle in a more productive way. What excites you that you could read about? What audiobook might you like to listen to? Is there any projects you’ve been neglecting?

You don’t need to read the dictionary to exercise your mind. For me, I like to read non-fiction, journal or make lists to organize myself. I also like to write poetry. Exercising your mind doesn’t have to be about learning. But it should, be something away from social media or mindless engagement.

Your brain will thank you and you will feel positive about learning, creating or accomplishing something. Again, don’t make it extreme ! The 3 pillars of happiness are about small changes everyday that can build up over time.

So, don’t try to read a book in one sitting, but maybe make a goal to read a chapter a day. You can do that, easy!

I think this pillar is probably the most important and connects the 3 together. Focusing a little bit each day on your Spirit, doesn’t mean you need to find Jesus. But you do need to do some honest check-ins with yourself.

You don’t need to be religious to connect with your spiritual side. This pillar is the one that will enable to succeed in the others. Spirit is being actively aware of how you are speaking to yourself and what you are asking the universe for.

If you’re angry at the world and down on your life and body and you feel like you can’t get out of your own way. Try to be aware of your thoughts and ask for what you really want.

Spirit looks like:

“I hate my jobs, but today I went for my walk and continued to work on my business, I can see myself succeeding if I keep this up.”

Spirit is the realization and understanding that you are capable of creating the life you want. Capable sure, but the only thing that is going to get you to that next level is building it brick by brick.

Day by day… Body, Mind & Spirit.