5 Essential Tips to Start Planning Your Long Term Travel Adventure

If you’ve been dreaming of finally taking off on a long-term travel adventure, or you are working up the courage to take your first solo trip, here are 5 essential tips you need to hear to get started !

You will have plenty of things to do once you’ve decided to take the leap. But often the hardest part is making the decision to leave. I’ve uprooted my life more than once to set out on long-term travel adventure. Trust me, if I can do it, so can you.

Starting to travel long-term requires more than just logistics—it demands a deep well of motivation and the courage to break free from the norm. It begins with visualizing the life you want and understanding that the world has endless opportunities waiting for you. You’ll need the determination to step out of your comfort zone, embracing the unknown as a pathway to personal growth. Overcoming fear and doubt is key, and it helps to connect with like-minded travelerswho have made it happen, drawing inspiration from their stories. Long-term travel isn’t just a getaway, it’s a lifestyle choice that offers freedom, discovery, and fulfillment. If you need an extra push or inspiration, visit my YouTube channel, Alcohol & Airplanes, where we share real-life experiences, tips, and motivational content to help you make long-term travel a reality!

Without further ado, here are the FIRST five things you’re going to need to do to motivate your travel dreams.

    Yes, that’s write. Time to get out your own way. If you want to be one of those people you see on instagram, living your dreams in front of beautiful and historical landscapes… you’re going to have to get over yourself! What that really means is, you need to get over your self-doubt. Get over your imposter syndrome, your prejudices and most importantly.. get over your fears. Trust me when I tell you, the only difference between you and the people living your travel dreams is they decided to go for it. What’s stopping you? Stop listening to the voices in your head that tell you it ‘could never be you’.. YES IT CAN!

2. Be Realistic About Your Goals and Current Situation
Assessing your current situation is the first step toward making your travel dreams a reality. If you can afford to drop everything and book a ticket today—awesome! But before you head to the airport, there are a few practical steps you need to take. Start by double-checking your finances to ensure you’re ready for the cost of flights, accommodations, and daily expenses. Make sure your passport is up to date, and research any visa requirements for your destination. You’ll also need to sort out any responsibilities back home, like work obligations, bills, and housing arrangements. Whether you’re planning a long-term trip or a short escape, being realistic about what you need to do before you board the plane is key.

3. Is Solo Travel for you?
I highly recommend every young woman travel solo at least once, but it’s important to recognize that solo travel may not be for everyone. Ask yourself if you have someone to travel with who shares your timeline and travel style. It’s crucial to consider if your companion’s goals align with yours before making plans. However, don’t let fear hold you back from considering solo travel if that’s what you truly want. Think about whether traveling alone fits your personality and desires—there’s no wrong answer. And remember, not having a travel partner is no reason to postpone the trip you’ve been dreaming of. Solo travel can be empowering and life-changing, offering a chance to grow and explore on your own terms. 

4. Be Unrealistic
Yes, I said it—traveling will literally open up the world for you. Don’t sell yourself short when it comes to your travel dreams. Dream big, write down your craziest travel goals, and put them out into the universe. There’s no pressure to achieve them all, but allow yourself to believe that you can experience whatever you set your sights on—if you give yourself the chance. Be realistic about what you can achieve based on your current situation, but don’t let that stop you from pursuing your biggest adventures. If you say you want an adventure, let yourself have one. 

5. Start Making Your Lists!
Okay- you’ve convinced yourself you can do this, now it’s really time to start planning and organizing. Start by making your lists! First things first, address any major responsibilities, like your lease, pets, and insurance ( don’t forget to check your passport!) . Then, create an estimated timeline and budget to understand the costs involved. Make a list of things you need to buy, such as travel gear and essentials, and start drafting your packing list. If you need suggestions for must- have packing items, I’ve made a list of my favorites essentials for you here. These steps are just the beginning, but they’re crucial to getting organized. Write everything down or type it up so you can visualize what it takes to make your trip happen. Lists are incredibly helpful for staying on track, so organize yourself in a way that works best for you. This includes making to-do lists, tracking financial obligations, and outlining packing essentials.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to travel long-term? Comment below and don’t forget to subscribe to Alcohol & Airplanes for more travel tips and inspiration!